When Charles Antis, CEO of Antis Roofing & Waterproofing in California, started his roofing company, he didn’t know his company’s identity nor how he could get the word out, but that all changed on a fateful day 30 years ago. He went to a home where a woman and her children had leaks in every single room that was causing mold and mildew. 

Instead of leaving or selling her a job, Antis volunteered for the first time. 

“A lot of roofing pros, they don’t talk about, it but they just can’t let a family have a leaky roof just because they don’t have the money to pay, and I’m no different,” said Antis. “I quietly gave on a lot of roofing until eventually it became formalized at Antis, and that’s when people started to hear about us.”

Listen in as RC Publisher Jill Bloom and Editor Art Aisner dive into Antis’ strategies and advice on the impact of giving back, including brand recognition, invigorating employees and the joy of helping others in your community.

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