Trumbull is the largest manufacturer of roofing asphalts, with a long history of bringing innovative products to market.
The latest innovation is a patent-pending, odor-neutralizing chemistry. Odor has always been a primary inconvenience when working with asphalt - particularly when you’re talking about sensitive jobs such as restaurants, schools or hospitals, where odors are especially unwelcome. As a result, those jobs need to be done off-hours to avoid complaints, leading to scheduling headaches and overtime pay.
That’s why Trumbull asphalt researchers worked to find ways to neutralize asphalt odor without compromising performance. From our high-performing PermaMop modified roofing asphalt to our TruLo Lo Odor, every asphalt in the Trumbull product line is now available with our exclusive low-fuming technology.

Low-fuming PermaMop* modified roofing asphalt is specially engineered to provide exceptional durability. This makes it an ideal choice for projects in extreme weather areas - whether it’s heat, cold or moisture. PermaMop asphalt is also uniquely formulated so that it can be applied to any roof type, regardless of the slope. It has the softening point of a Type IV asphalt but with a lower EVT than any standard Type IV. It stays where it’s mopped, even on steep-sloped roofing in intense heat.
TruLo Max Asphalt
When compared to other low-odor asphalts and additives, TruLo Max is 55 percent more effective at reducing odor-causing compounds, and able to reduce up to 90 percent of fumes at the kettle** by forming a fume-suppressing skim layer on the asphalt’s surface. With Trulo Max, you get more science and less smell.

* PermaMop products should never be heated above
450°F. **NIOSH Study. Kettle temperatures for TruLo Standard Type I-IV asphalt
should not exceed 500°F.
Welcome to the sweet smell of innovation. When compared to other low-odor asphalts and additives, TruLo Lo Odor is 45 percent more effective at reducing odor-causing compounds.
Simply put, Trumbull asphalt products provide the best odor control in the industry. In fact, Trumbull asphalt and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have measured up to 90 percent fume reduction at the kettle with the family of low fuming asphalts from Owens Corning Trumbull.
For more information about Owens Corning Roofing & Asphalt, LLC, visit www.trumbullasphalt.com.