La industria de la construcción enfrenta una crisis laboral, necesitando más de 500,000 nuevos trabajadores para 2024. Para prosperar, son esenciales vías más sólidas para la mano de obra inmigrante legal, pero los actuales programas de visas no son suficientes
In this BOS podcast, Trent Cotney of Adams & Reese discusses the impact of marijuana legalization on roofing contractors, emphasizing workplace safety and evolving legal challenges.
In this episode, Legal Insights expert Trent Cotney, partner at Adams and Reese, explains how a recent court ruling will impact the roofing and construction industries when it comes to non-competes.
Roofing contractors sought alternatives during a spate of challenges, a pandemic followed by supply chain disruptions and capped by a spike in inflation. But was it at a price?
Learn how the Supreme Court’s overruling of the Chevron decision will impact the way agencies like OSHA interact with roofing and construction companies.
As of July 1, roughly 1 million workers are newly eligible for overtime benefits with the “Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees.”