What began as an attempt to connect residential and commercial roofing contractors with the manufacturers, suppliers and associations you’ll need to know to grow your business has become the most robust directory in the industry. It’s also regarded as the definitive source for information about roofing manufacturers, distributors, trade shows, products, trade names and other resources.

The new 2018 buyers guide is keyword searchable online at RoofingContractor.com. Search one site using less clicks to find company contact information and products in the buyers guide along with related articles online. Accessible any time throughout the year from your computer, smartphone, iPad or tablet, this resource is always available when you need it, and puts the roofing industry right at your fingertips. Premium listings, indicated by a star designation, include product photos, spec sheets and videos to help lead you to the right company to meet your needs.

If you’d like your company to be featured in next year’s Roofing Resource, please e-mail Publisher Jill Bloom at bloomj@bnpmedia.com or visit www.roofingcontractor.com/roofingresource and click the appropriate link under the heading “List Your Company.”

For more information about the directory or to update your listing, please contact Lauren Hernandez at 248-244-6489 or hernandezl@bnpmedia.com.