When times are tough, it’s often imperative to invest in your business. Of course, that’s also when cash flow might be tightest, so it makes investing difficult. I’ve read numerous studies that assert that drastically cutting marketing dollars in a downturn is a mistake, as keeping jobs coming in is more important than ever.

When times are tough, it’s often imperative to invest in your business. Of course, that’s also when cash flow might be tightest, so it makes investing difficult. I’ve read numerous studies that assert that drastically cutting marketing dollars in a downturn is a mistake, as keeping jobs coming in is more important than ever. Tough economies are also good times to invest in training, as things might be a bit slower, but you’ve got to make sure the cost is justified.

Of course I’m not exactly impartial, but one excellent source of training isRoofing Contractor’sown Best of Success conference, which will be held in Nashville this year Sept.21-22 (www.roofingcontractor.com/bestofsuccess). It has a lineup of speakers - many of them contractors themselves - who will be talking about topics near and dear to roofing companies, including increasing sales leads, ensuring safety and making the most of opportunities in the federal stimulus package. The full agenda can be found here:www.bnpevents.com/RC/BOS/Schedule.htm

Perhaps the greatest benefit of the event is the opportunity to network with non-competing firms from other parts of the country in an atmosphere that encourages sharing ideas. One of our speakers, Rod Menzel, is the founder and co-owner of GreatWay Roofing Inc. After attending the Best of Success conference in 2007, he implemented several ideas that revolutionized his business, and he will share his insights with this year’s attendees in a presentation titled “Rebranding: Expect a Great Experience.”

Make the best of 2009 by attending the Best of Success conference. You just might find some insights that will help your company become more successful.