The sky is falling! At last, thank God! This morning I woke up to the sound of money hitting the roof. Atlanta remains in the grips of a drought that is in its third year.

The sky is falling! At last, thank God! This morning I woke up to the sound of money hitting the roof. Atlanta remains in the grips of a drought that is in its third year. The snow we got a few weeks back coupled with a really good drenching this weekend should move some home and building owners off their wallets and order up some new roofing (or at least call to their favorite roofing contractor to begin negotiations).

Not a particularly big deal, but I spend at least a little time every day searching for some good news to offset the onslaught of crappy news being shoveled at us continuously every day. The fact is, in the roofing business, we sell a product that is very basic and the need for it may not be “topic A” every day, but on a cold and rainy day like today it is darned important.

The message is so simple here I am going to stop short and leave the rest for your imagination. Today I am thankful that the sky is falling. What’s your excuse for that smile on your face?