May has consistently signaled an important time to pivot for RC as we ramp up our efforts to cover the industry’s response to volatile storms while roofers elsewhere prep for traditional peak roofing season. It’s also time to account for and remind roofers of their most important task: safety.

Keeping in line with OSHA’s annual Safety Stand Down effort, held May 6-10 this year, RC has dedicated much (real and digital) ink during previous May issues on safety content. Not only have we highlighted real examples of high-altitude rescues and companies that excel at safety, but we’ve also provided expert insights and actionable tips geared to improve roofing contractors keeping their employees healthy and ready for the next day’s job. As much as that may have helped, the job of emphasizing just how important safety is to the roofing industry’s future is hardly done. 

The latest numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show roofing remains one of construction’s most dangerous occupations within the trades, with falls remaining the leading cause of injury and death. 

It’s hardly a surprise: OSHA noted falls accounted for 32% of all construction-related fatalities between 2014-2022. More concerning, the number of worker deaths attributed to falls — 378 — increased in 2022 for the third consecutive year; adding insult to injury, regulators consistently classify these deaths as “preventable.” 

Our efforts continue with broad-based coverage of safety in residential and commercial settings. That includes May’s eMagazine, where safety column contributor Tammy Clark uses real-world examples to demonstrate the pitfalls of “blanket” safety standards. Also, check out our contractor profile on PJ Fitzgerald, which recently adopted new technology to improve safety.

Roofing Contractor is looking to do more. In March, RC officially launched its Safety Advisor eNewsletter, a digital resource with the latest safety-related content to help roofers keep their crews safe. Subscribers have and will continue to get the latest news and innovations in safety equipment and valuable insights from safety experts industrywide. Whether you’re a seasoned roofer with goals to win more jobs or a newbie with an entrepreneurial spirit — but in need of a few ideas on where to start your safety program — our newsletter is for you. It’s designed to meet the needs of roofing contractors looking to excel at safety tactics and training or those interested in improving their overall engagement on safety. 

The response has been strong and positive, with nearly a dozen comments from readers like John Well.

“This is exactly the kind of insightful content I’ve been searching for!” wrote Well, a rooftop repair serviceman from San Jose, Calif. “As someone deeply invested in safety practices in the roofing industry, I appreciate the valuable information provided … it’s crucial for professionals like us.” 

Colin Wicako said he looked forward to joining a broader, safety-focused roofing community.

“Awesome move launching the Safety Advisor eNewsletter! It’s super important given how risky roofing can be,” he wrote. “Love that it’s going to be packed with safety gear updates, expert tips and real-world advice to keep crews safe. Really looking forward to diving into this and joining a community that’s all about safer roofing practices. Big thumbs up for taking [the] lead on this!”  

Finally, we recognize that your time is an asset and have designed our safety eNewsletter to be concise yet informative. We pledge to deliver the most important insights and updates directly to your inbox, ensuring you never miss out on crucial information. 

Subscribe to our Safety Advisor eNewsletter today and join forward-thinking professionals committed to success. We look forward to sharing the latest research, innovations in product development, and training with you every month in Roofing Contractor’s Safety Advisor!