The Edge Vent shown close-up and installed on McKinney house.
Air Vent has introduced a new style of intake vent that combines ease of installation, airflow performance and good looks into one 4-foot stick: The Edge Vent - a shingle-over, rooftop installed intake vent.
Designed by Air Vent engineers based on feedback from industry professionals during Air Vent’s Ask the Expert seminars, The Edge Vent delivers both proper intake airflow and weather protection. It can be installed with confidence in all climates. And it can be used on homes with or without overhangs. It can even be used to supplement existing intake vents.
Easy to Install
With its roof-top installation, The Edge Vent significantly simplifies intake ventilation for the roofing contractor. It eliminates working overhead with soffits or undereaves. It puts the roofing contractor in complete control of the entire attic ventilation system because he no longer has to depend on the framer or the siding installer for intake vents. It keeps the roofer where he is most comfortable - on the roof.
Balanced Attic Airflow
Research has shown that the best way to ventilate an attic is with a balanced system of intake vents and exhaust vents that provides continuous airflow along the entire underside of the roof sheathing. The Edge Vent provides 9 square inches of Net Free Area per linear foot that perfectly balances with Air Vent exhaust ridge vents like ShingleVent II (18 square inches of Net Free Area per linear foot).
Good Looks
Ever aware of the importance to blend proven performance with beautiful looks, Air Vent’s research and design team made sure The Edge Vent would have strong curb-side appeal. Its 3/4-inch low profile blends in nicely with the roof.
Additional Benefits
Copolymer construction is the same material used in industry-trusted ShingleVent II. Patented internal baffles and drainage system along with an internal weather filter provide three levels of weather protection. Each 4-foot piece has an integrated end plug on both ends to provide a finished appearance and weather protection. Curved top profile design allows for increased airflow over linear tapered designs. Locating tabs on the underside of The Edge Vent assist with positioning the vent over the slot. The Edge Vent can be used on roofs with minimum 3/12 pitch.
For more information, visitwww.airvent.com.