On the low-slope end, Frost Enterprises installs modified bitumen, EPDM and thermo-elastic membranes that are hot-air welded. According to owner Bob Frost, the company places more emphasis on the latter primarily to combat the urban heat island effects in major metropolitan areas such as Atlanta. Frost believes this cool roofing trend will continue to move north for many reasons, including the environmentally friendly aspects of the products, proven performance, ease of application and cost effectiveness.
In steep-slope applications, Frost Enterprises also offers diversity including restoration products for metal roofs, shingles and standing-seam metals. Frost recognized that the residential roofing industry has a “less reputable” element and felt that his company could use its experiences to make a positive contribution to the industry. The result is StrongTowers Residential Services, the main objective of which is to offer dependable quality residential roofing services.
“We offer service and a quality product that exceeds the customer’s expectations,” says Frost, explaining the principles upon which the company was founded. Frost also strongly believes that communication and good job-site supervision are recipes for success. “The old adage ‘actions speak louder than words’ holds true,” says Frost. “It can only take one customer to become dissatisfied as a result of a company under-performing. This can act to sabotage the years of hard work it takes to build a good name.”
Another way to meet customer needs is by offering roof asset management services. Frost Enterprises provides roof inspections, recommendations, and repair and replacement campaigns.
A Chance for Artistic Expression
A hailstorm in Dayton, Ohio, on April 9, 2001, caused damage that created many opportunities for roofing contractors in the area. Most of the resulting roof replacements ranged from 3-tab shingles to 30-year dimensional shingles. However, Frost Enterprises landed a job, which, according to Frost, “was destined to be a … showcase that breaks the plain vanilla mold.”On this particular project, the homeowner gave Frost Enterprises the latitude to design a roof that was not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Taking note of the many lines and geometric shapes throughout this roof, Frost decided on a complete makeover using heavyweight shingles and architectural standing-seam metal roofing.
The shingles would accent the steep 11:12 roof pitch, show great depth, and bring out the three-dimensional beauty that the architect had designed in the roof structure. The standing-seam metal and related trim metal would be used for highlighting and outlining roof sections, hips, ridges and valleys. “This all needed to be balanced so there would be no single dominant or overwhelming feature,” Frost explains. “Both shingles and metal would need to work in unison in order to bring out the best qualities in the house’s visual appeal.”
After discussing various design criteria with engineer Monty Orcutt, Frost decided to put the standing seam roof sections over the garage, the boxed gable returns, and the roof over the breakfast nook. The crew would also create a “sunburst” metal roof feature over the front door and grand foyer. Frost decided to use extra-wide metal valleys, and all hips and ridges were to be completed in metal of the same type and color as used in the standing seam.
“The selection of the shingles was not a simple matter and also not just any heavyweight shingle would suffice,” says Frost. For suggestions, he consulted Randy Bauer, manager of Mueller Roofing Distributors, with whom he has maintained a 20-year relationship. “I use Mueller for their excellent service, knowledge of the products, and fundamental business beliefs,” says Frost. He adds that Mueller’s distribution centers in Cincinnati, northern Kentucky, and Dayton and Fairborn, Ohio, make it very easy and convenient to purchase products.
Frost decided to go with CertainTeed’s Grand Manor and Carriage House shingles because of their heavyweight textured look, and most significantly, their large 8-inch exposure. “This gives the shingle a more slate-like appearance and it’s much more dramatic than the standard exposures,” Frost explains. “Another major deciding factor was that an individual’s artistic expression can be displayed by mixing the squared edge Grand Manor and scalloped Carriage House shingles. Since the shingles are among the most expensive they are seldom seen on residential applications. This gives the roof the uniqueness we were looking for.”
The standing-seam metal selection also demanded careful consideration. Frost chose Vincent Metals standing seam with a locking-seam cover. The 22-gauge panels were 12 inches wide, which limited the amount of oil canning. Frost was especially happy with the color selection in the Vincent line. He chose a color called Copper Penny in a Kynar 500 20-year finish. The finish will remain the same even after many years, as opposed to the patina on real copper, which was not a desirable look for this project.
The installation process was complicated because crews needed to coordinate where shingles would come in contact with metal. They certainly did not want the tear-off process and shingle installation process to damage any metal. Also, it was crucial to keep the roof from leaking during the process.
To add to the challenges, the job had to be started in the beginning of winter and it soon became apparent that working conditions would not be favorable. Crews had to contend with wind, rain, snow and ice. The job had to be left at the end of each day in a dried-in state in the event that harsh weather conditions prevented the crews from working on the job for days. Extra care was taken to ensure terminations and tie-offs.
In spite of the obstacle, Frost pronounced the job a success and says, “Everyone involved in the project actually had a lot of fun.” Foreman John Hall says he is proud of the fact that he was involved with such a project where he was able to exercise his creativity. He says he would like to try his hand on similar projects using the same materials. Chief Operations Officer Drew Robbins was also quite happy with the results.
When asked what he learned from this experience, Frost said the message is simple: “To demonstrate to the public that a roof is not just a roof when the objective is to create a pleasing product in both form and function.” In addition, he hopes that this roof “inspires people to look up and not down” and reminds us that, “there are sometimes noteworthy things taking place over our heads.”