Whether an OSHA inspection is triggered by an employee injury, a formal complaint, a programmed wall-to-wall inspection, or the new COVID-19 ETS, being prepared will limit potential liability avoid potential citations.
With the Biden administrating pledging to aggressively enforce workplace regulations, now is the time to make sure employers are in compliance with wage and hour practices.
OSHA extended the comment period by 45 days to allow stakeholders additional time to review the ETS and collect information and data necessary for comment.
Cotney Attorneys & Consultants CEO breaks down key dates roofing contractors need to know about COVID-19 vaccination mandates should they survive legal challenges.
Executive Order 14026, which raises the minimum wage for federal contractors, applies to new contracts and renewals and extensions of existing contracts.
With the Biden administrating pledging to aggressively enforce workplace regulations, now is the time to make sure employers are in compliance with wage and hour practices.
The Circuit Court's opinion on the vaccine mandate enforcement called it "fatally flawed" and a "one-size-fits-all sledgehammer" that doesn't take into account differences in workplaces.