Sister Bay, Wis., is a popular summertime destination where Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant resides among the verdant trappings of the northern Wisconsin waterfront. The connection between the Swedes and Johnson’s noteworthy restaurant seems straightforward, yet the goats are indifferent.


Only in Wisconsin, folks. 

The Roofing of the Goats Parade is a newsworthy event in Sister Bay, as first reported by WLUK, the local Fox affiliate, and involves goats grazing on the grass roof of Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant. While the goats have been grazing up top for decades, reports WLUK, this is the ninth year a parade has been weaved into the spectacle.

Co-owner Lars Johnson explained that even though this Saturday is “…technically the first day that the goats go up onto the roof regularly, they've had a few practice runs earlier this year when the weather was good.”

The 9th Roofing of the Goats Parade begins at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 10, starting on the corner of Mill Road, traveling down Highway 42, past the restaurant into the main parking lot, and then heading up on the roof. 

Everyone is reportedly encouraged to dress in their favorite “goat attire.” This writer is at a loss on suggested outfitting for such an event, but maybe a little bell slung around one’s neck is a start. 

Goat Fest immediately follows the parade, with live music, a goat “meet and greet,” goat-centric crafts for kids, bubbles and balloon animals, a Swedish pancake eating contest and a beer stein lift contest in the Stabbur Beer Garden.

Johnson says they also use the parade as a way to raise money for local food pantries by selling “goat plop” stickers, where people purchase biodegradable stickers which they put in the “drop zone” on the road; when the goat "plops" on the first four stickers, those lucky folks win some “amazing prizes.”

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