Contractor convenience, time savings top-of-mind with latest RhinoBond innovation

In early 2021, OMG introduced the latest innovation, RhinoBond with OptiWeld, with an eye on curbing the industry’s workforce problem with a unique tool that makes contractors more efficient on the rooftop. 

“This year, we were very happy to introduce RhinoBond with the OptiWeld induction tool that further enhances the productivity benefit of the RhinoBond induction family,” said Patrick O’Connor, RhinoBond product manager from OMG in a recent video chat with RC.

From its versatility, ease-of-use touchscreen and multi-language functionality, RhinoBond with OptiWeld is making a difference for installation crews around the country. David Tedder, of Baker Roofing, said crews are finding great use of the auto-calibration feature.

“We did some stopwatch timing with our guys … and we were gaining about four to five seconds per plate. You take that into account on a 5,000 square-foot job and we’re looking at about 6 days of labor savings there,” he said.