In 1995, the ChemCurb Penetration Seal System was introduced to low-slope contractors to replace pitchpans and rain caps, infamous for their tendencies to leak. Since that time, Chem Link has continued to expand the ChemCurb System to meet contractors’ continuing requests for a versatile, secure system that can be used on virtually any kind of roof or penetration. The latest additions are a silicone-based sealant for photovoltaic applications, and more color choices in both curbs and sealants. For the contractor, the ChemCurb System eliminates labor-intensive applications prone to callbacks with clean, quickly installed, permanent waterproof seals. The advanced, polyether-based sealants and adhesives that are part of this system mean no hazardous solvents or harmful VOCs are released into the air. For more information, call 800-826-1681 or visit www.chemlinkinc.com.