The National Disaster Reconstruction Conference & Expo announced registration for its educational programs is now available by The conference, which takes place June 17-18 in New Orleans, features experts who will address disaster preparation, response, repair, remediation, and restoration.
The National Disaster Reconstruction Conference & Expo announced registration for its educational programs is now available by The conference, which takes place June 17-18 in New Orleans, features experts who will address disaster preparation, response, repair, remediation, and restoration.
“The NDR Conference will present new and exciting business opportunities to attendees,” said Jimmy Mouton, Imago Trade Shows conference director. “At a time when normal business activity is curtailed, disaster services are still booming.
“Every time a business or homeowner experiences a fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, water leak, mold, asbestos claim, sick building, or bio hazard, lucrative business opportunities are created for those ready to address the problems,” he added.
Mouton said a variety of contractors, cleaning and restoration professionals, building services providers, insurance companies, wholesalers, environmental hygienists, hazardous material mitigators, and data center emergency solutions consultants are among the best candidates to increase their work in the disaster response field.
Conference content includes sessions from representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Army Corps or Engineers, the Indoor Air Quality Association, the Restoration Industry Association, the American Bio-Recovery Association, the U.S. Green Building Council, the Mechanical Contractors Association, and the Institute for Business & Home Safety.
Highlighted topics include “Measuring Mold Growth,” “Securing Government Contracts,” “Massive Roofing Renovations-Saving the Superdome,” “Interpreting EPA Labels,” “LEED Certification,” “The Disaster Experience,” “Satellite Communications in Disaster Zones,” and “Hosted IP PBX From a Disaster Recovery Point of View.”
Issues ofWalls & CeilingsandRoofing Contractormagazines, along with other BNP Media publications, will be available. BNP Media is a co-sponsor of this event, as well.
The conference schedule is posted on www.ndrexpo.comand continues to grow as additional presenters are added. For more information on the conference or expo, contact Mouton atjmouton@imagotradeshows.comor call 770-645-0046.