Rick Damato, Roofing Contractor's inaugural editor, retired after 50 years and was honored for shaping the industry with dedication, launching initiatives, and inspiring colleagues at the 20th annual Best of Success conference in Bonita Springs, Fla.
The 59th annual National Leadership & Skills Conference in Atlanta, hosted by SkillsUSA, featured over 6,600 high school and post-secondary students competing in 115 skilled trades including commercial roofing.
Roofing Contractor Publisher Jill Bloom shares why retiring Editorial Director Rick Damato made such an impact professionally and personally on her and so many others industrywide.
In honor of RC Editorial Director Rick Damato’s retirement, enjoy our special video looking back at some special moments captured during his decades-long career.
Rick Damato, editorial director of Roofing Contractor and Roofing Supply Pro, has decided to leave his quill in the ink well and retire after more than 40 years in media. He offers his thoughts and well wishes to readers.
The Jimmy and Rosaline Carter partnership with Habitat for Humanity influenced thousands of lives around the globe. RC Editor Emeritus Rick Damato had a close look.
Get a closer, first-hand look at the impact former U.S. President Jimmy Carter made through his partnership with Habitat for Humanity over the years from RC Editor Emeritus Rick Damato.
Been a little busy since our trip to China last year. As much as I would love to toss out a blog posting once or twice a week, the task has fallen to the bottom of the to-do list.