Ricardo González, founder and CEO of Bilingual America and aRoofing Contractorcolumnist, provided insights on recruiting, hiring, training and retaining Latino workers in his session titled “Success With Hispanics.” González issued some practical advice designed to help employers improve communication and bridge cultural differences at the office and on the jobsite.

Ricardo Gonzalez quizzes attendees about their companies’ training programs for Spanish-speaking employees.
“The world is becoming bilingual,” said González. “Your competitors will be bilingual and your market will be bilingual. If you’re not ready, your competitors will take your labor force. If you’re a leader of Hispanics, you must learn Spanish. You cannot be a leader if you cannot communicate. You cannot elevate and motivate people if you do not speak their language.”

After an employee is hired, safety training must be a top priority, and González pointed to statistics indicating that eight Latinos get hurt on the job for every Anglo who gets injured to argue that companies are failing to provide adequate training for their Spanish-speaking workers. “I believe the No. 1 responsibility is to send our workers home safely at night,” said González, who urged contactors to hold subs accountable. “Real roofing contractors hire real employees, train them and pay them a fair wage. We’re dealing with people’s lives and families here.”