From left to right: W.C. Looper, Art Melick, ERic Moore, Brian Panush, Alan Freeman, Donald Lyons.
100,000 Level Winners
This year’s winners 100,000 level winners: Alexander Roofing, Basalt, Colo.; Art Melick Construction, Auburn, Calif.; Home Roofing, Everett, Wash.; WC Looper, North Little Rock, Ark.; Stutzman & Kropf, Albany, Ore.; Panush Construction, Chehalis, Wash.; S&S Contracting, Salina, Kan.; and Rain Water Roofing.
From left to right: Randy Peterson, Bill Satterfield, Joe Pender, Emitt White, Doug Mason, Mike Foster, Darrell Smith
The 250,000 Level Winners
The 250,000 level winners: Shelton Roofing, Santa Cruz, Calif.; Horn Brothers, Denver; Tidewater Roofing, Hampton, Va.; BAC Enterprises, Roswell, N.M.; Diamond Roofing, Renton, Wash.; and CCI, Bellevue, Wash.
Harvey Adams Jr. (l) and Larry Stanley
The 500,000 Level Winner
The 500,000 level winner: AA Rain-Tite, Laport, Ind., is the first IB Roof Systems contractor to achieve the 500,000 square foot award and has already earned the 1 million square foot award which will be presented next year in Hawaii.
From left to right: Joel Stanley, Joe Pender, Emmit White, Larry Stanley