La industria de la construcción enfrenta una crisis laboral, necesitando más de 500,000 nuevos trabajadores para 2024. Para prosperar, son esenciales vías más sólidas para la mano de obra inmigrante legal, pero los actuales programas de visas no son suficientes
Reporting shows that undocumented workers make up 10% of U.S. construction labor, with 75,600 roofers among them, highlighting the industry's heavy reliance on migrant labor to fill critical job shortages.
With the annual Capitol Hill visit approaching, the Nation Roofing Contractors Association readies agenda items on labor shortages, taxes, and industry sustainability for discussions with lawmakers.
To assist businesses that need workers to begin on different start dates, the visas will be distributed in several allocations, including two separate allocations for the second half of fiscal year 2024.
This is the first time a single rule has made H-2B supplemental visas available for several allocations throughout the entire fiscal year, including an allocation for the late second half.
As COVID-19 cases spike in multiple states, President Trump is issuing an executive order to restrict temporary worker visas. Find out what this means for contractors from the experts at Cotney Construction Law.