The Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project with Habitat for Humanity International in Memphis, Tenn. 

Did You Know?

Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. 
•Is managed by an ecumenical, international board of directors.
•Seeks to eliminate sub-standard housing and homelessness, and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
•Builds and rehabilitates houses through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials. 
•Provides a “hand up,” not a handout: partner families help build their own homes and pay for them with affordable mortgages.
•Families are selected based on level of need, willingness to participate and ability to repay the no-interest loan.
•Neither race nor religion is a factor in choosing partner families.
•Is active in more than 70 countries and nearly 1,400 communities across the U.S.
•Works with governments and agencies to fulfill its mission of eliminating poverty housing.

Fast Facts

•The Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project started in 1984 when President and Mrs. Carter took a busload of friends from Georgia to New York City to rehab the Mascot Flats building.
•Of the 30 original residents of the renovated Mascot Flats over 30 years ago, 19 still call it home.
•It partners with local affiliates of Habitat for Humanity International throughout the United States and the world.
•The project raises awareness of the need for affordable housing, and actively demonstrates how the Habitat model works to build lives and  communities.
•Carter Projects in the U.S. range from coast to coast, including Los Angeles, Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Birmingham, and Memphis.
•Carter Projects also built and renovated homes in the Philippines, Hungary, Haiti, Vietnam, Thailand, China, and Mexico, to name a few.
•To date, President and Mrs. Carter have served with over 92,000 volunteers to build, renovate, and repair 3,944 homes in 14 countries. 
Roofing Contractor has participated in and reported on the Carter Projects since 2000.