PARSIPPANY, N.J. -- GAF and No Roof Left Behind (NRLB), a program that provides a new roof to deserving families in the U.S. and Canada, recently renewed their ongoing partnership through September 2016.

"We are thrilled,” says NRLB co-founder Jay Elie. “Our continued partnership with roofing giant GAF has allowed NRLB contractors to do more giving in the communities they call home. It’s a real win for everyone.”

GAF will provide the roofing materials for projects awarded by more than 70 NRLB member contractors in North America for free to help families in need.'

Founded in 2013, No Roof Left Behind (NRLB) helps community-minded contractors connect with deserving families in need of a new roof at no cost. NRLB gives communities a voice in who receives that new roof by accepting public nominations and votes.

“Working with No Roof Left Behind is one of the many ways that we give back to our local communities, while also helping our network of GAF contractors differentiate themselves. It’s truly an ‘everyone wins’ situation and we are happy to continue the relationship,” said Alyssa Hall, director of marketing communications at GAF. Visit for more information.